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vacation: pt. one

dad's backyard porch, overlooking Kennewick area

On Friday July 8th Chris and I left on an evening flight for Kennewick, Washington. The home of my dad and family. We were really excited to spend time with them. Chris was also really excited to be "the furthest west he had ever been."

In the first weekend we were there, we visited Terra Blanca Winery, a beautiful hill with fields of gold, played lots of crochet in my dad's backyard, BBQ-ed almost every meal and watched lots of scary movies including Poltergeist (my pick), Paranormal Activity (Suzanne's pick) and American Werewolf in London (my dad's pick). After that weekend I was tanner and heavier (from all the wonderful food Suzanne cooked). It was a blast.

Terra Blanca Winery in Benton City, Washington

Fields of Gold, Benton City, Washington

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