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Bull Shoals Lake

Well, I hate to say it but it looks as though I'm becoming a once-a-week blogger. I plan to eventually get back into my posting/crafting routine as before... but being a first year teacher is way busier than I could have ever imagined.

Suprise. Surpise.

Everyone told me: 
"The first year will be the worst!"
"You will be so busy!"
"It's so crazy insane!"

I thought:
Yeah right. You ain't me. Insane is my middle name.

Well, I'm discovering my middle name is more like tired, sleepy, and/or exhausted.

Don't get me wrong. I love my job. I love teaching. I feel very assured that this is the place for me for this time in my life. But I am 100% tired each day when I walk in my door. The last thing I want to do is smile, make dinner, be nice and blog. Sorry folks.

With that being said, I think there will be a time in the near future when I will get back to that place, when I finally have a feel for my schedule and business, when I will know when to stop and when to go. Until then, expect much less of me people. Seriously.

Now, please enjoy some lovely photos from my awesome Labor Day weekend at Bull Shoals Lake with our good buddies. It was amazing...

Great, great weekend. Would totally go again.

Happy September!


Lindsay Cochrum said...

Hahaha, I love that it was David and all the marrieds. :)

Laurie Sue said...

I know a very cute, smart, and adorable single girl (hint, hint)

aimee paule said...

David, please see the above comment. (it is referring to my sister, age 25) :)

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