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Seattle: Pt. One + I need your help!

I need your help with something. Read about it below my post!


Hello friends! Thank you for your patience. I am excited to get back to blogging consistently. All day yesterday I was excited to blog. There is something special and therapeutic about it. I'm not really sure what it is exactly. Maybe all of it. It helps my heart to feel good. To feel at rest. And even if it's just for that purpose, I'm okay with that.

A week ago tonight I arrived home from Seattle. I spent 8 days with my sisters and Dad exploring Seattle. But exploring Seattle wasn't the goal that week. The goal was encouarging and helping my Dad throughout his treatment. (Read more about his story).

I'm going to share photos in parts. Maybe just two parts. Maybe three. Who knows. I think it will help me to reflect and be hopeful. And maybe you will enjoy my photos, too!

Day #1 in Seattle (AKA: the busiest day of the whole trip/the day we tried to do too much!)
... the Public Market
... Post Alley
... the Ferris Wheel on the pier
... Mariners vs. Rangers game

Public Market
Public Market
we Paule girls love our flowers
Public Market
the famous (?) pig
Pike Street (I think?)
Post Alley gum wall
(Taylor and me)
Post Alley gum wall
my Dad and me on the pier
Seattle skyline from the Ferris Wheel
Mariners vs. Rangers game
Safeco Field

More to come later this week.


On another note I need your help! I am planning to do some tutorial this summer on my blog, specifically on Tuesdays. Are there any tutorials you would like to see? If so, please comment below or on facebook. I would love to share those! Thanks!

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