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15 weeks, joy & dreaming

hey there.
today i'm feeling gooood.
I blame it on the Word. 
Specifically this bible reading plan.
It has brought me crazy amounts of JOY.

I also blame it on this awesome little swiftlet in mah belly.
Getting me excited to be a momma.
And craving things I love again. 
[Coffee (just 1 cup, yo), grapefruits and oranges!]

And I blame it on my husband.
For being the best.
Love him like my best friend.

That's all.

This week baby swiftlet loves:
  • Oranges and grapefruit
  • Salmon
  • Daddy reading Bible stories to us. (We decided he/she hears my voice all day/everyday as a teacher, so Christopher reading stories to him/her is his way of getting his voice heard). 
This week baby swiftlet doesn't love:
  • Being itchy (my belly is itching like crazy)
  • Still cereal (boo)
  • Cold weather!

One more thing: On Friday night I had the most amazing dream. In the dream our baby came a few weeks early. It was a baby girl. She was the sweetest thing. We were so unprepared. My house was a disaster. We didn't have a name picked out. (She left the hospital without a name). We didn't have a crib and Chris tried to convince me that a crib wasn't necessary. She cuddled in my neck and was so little and fragile and I was so terrifed of breaking her. But she was the greatest. I remember feeling like a Mom. Never before had I felt what I felt in my dream. So amazing. You mommas out there are blessed, for sure. I even remember trying to breastfeed her. It was SO amazing.

And so now I am convinced she is a she. I am calling her that. Although, I promise I will NOT be disappointed if she is a he. (Although my sister may be since she has already made some little girl bows).

Have a blessed Wednesday! It's a great day to be HIS!

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